,将新的样本数据的LMDB文件 mnist_newTEST_lmdb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
| layer{ name: "mnist" type: "Data" top: "data" top: "label" include { phase: TEST } transform_param{ scale: 0.0039063 } data_param{ source: "/media/junhui/DATA/caffe_workspace/my_linearReggresion/mnist_newTEST_lmdb" batch_size: 100 backend: LMDB } }
1 2 3 4
| ~/caffe-master/build/tools/caffe test \ -model /media/junhui/DATA/caffe_workspace/my_linearReggresion/mylr.prototxt \ -weights /media/junhui/DATA/caffe_workspace/my_linearReggresion/my_lr_iter_10000.caffemodel \ -iterations 2
指明对多少样本进行inference,2*100 个样本。
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| I0617 13:28:09.083691 4697 caffe.cpp:275] Use CPU. I0617 13:28:09.308647 4697 net.cpp:296] The NetState phase (1) differed from the phase (0) specified by a rule in layer mnist I0617 13:28:09.308768 4697 net.cpp:53] Initializing net from parameters: name: "lrNet" state { phase: TEST level: 0 stage: "" } layer { name: "mnist" type: "Data" top: "data" top: "label" include { phase: TEST } transform_param { scale: 0.0039063 } data_param { source: "/media/junhui/DATA/caffe_workspace/my_linearReggresion/mnist_newtest_lmdb" batch_size: 100 backend: LMDB } } layer { name: "ip" type: "InnerProduct" bottom: "data" top: "ip" param { lr_mult: 1 } param { lr_mult: 2 } inner_product_param { num_output: 10 weight_filler { type: "xavier" } bias_filler { type: "constant" } } } layer { name: "accuracy" type: "Accuracy" bottom: "ip" bottom: "label" top: "accuracy" include { phase: TEST } } layer { name: "loss" type: "SoftmaxWithLoss" bottom: "ip" bottom: "label" top: "loss" } I0617 13:28:09.308953 4697 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer mnist I0617 13:28:09.309533 4697 db_lmdb.cpp:35] Opened lmdb /media/junhui/DATA/caffe_workspace/my_linearReggresion/mnist_newtest_lmdb
I0617 13:14:44.887392 3080 net.cpp:200] loss needs backward computation. I0617 13:14:44.887401 3080 net.cpp:202] accuracy does not need backward computation. I0617 13:14:44.887406 3080 net.cpp:200] ip_ip_0_split needs backward computation. I0617 13:14:44.887411 3080 net.cpp:200] ip needs backward computation. I0617 13:14:44.887415 3080 net.cpp:202] label_mnist_1_split does not need backward computation. I0617 13:14:44.887420 3080 net.cpp:202] mnist does not need backward computation. I0617 13:14:44.887424 3080 net.cpp:244] This network produces output accuracy I0617 13:14:44.887430 3080 net.cpp:244] This network produces output loss I0617 13:14:44.887439 3080 net.cpp:257] Network initialization done. I0617 13:14:44.888084 3080 caffe.cpp:281] Running for 2 iterations.
I0617 13:14:44.888623 3080 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, accuracy = 0.94 I0617 13:14:44.888634 3080 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, loss = 0.21204 I0617 13:14:44.889169 3080 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 1, accuracy = 0.96 I0617 13:14:44.889178 3080 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 1, loss = 0.199202 I0617 13:14:44.889200 3080 caffe.cpp:309] Loss: 0.205621 I0617 13:14:44.889210 3080 caffe.cpp:321] accuracy = 0.95 I0617 13:14:44.889219 3080 caffe.cpp:321] loss = 0.205621 (* 1 = 0.205621 loss)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
| ... I0617 13:48:08.206188 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = 0.483029 I0617 13:48:08.206202 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = -4.20101 I0617 13:48:08.206208 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = 0.95857 I0617 13:48:08.206213 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = 4.77686 I0617 13:48:08.206219 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = -5.86976 I0617 13:48:08.206223 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = 5.99296 I0617 13:48:08.206228 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = -1.1105 I0617 13:48:08.206233 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = 0.394778 I0617 13:48:08.206238 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = -0.198426 I0617 13:48:08.206243 5203 caffe.cpp:304] Batch 0, ip = -0.884502 I0617 13:48:08.206248 5203 caffe.cpp:309] Loss: 0 I0617 13:48:08.206256 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = 0.483029 I0617 13:48:08.206264 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = -4.20101 I0617 13:48:08.206269 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = 0.95857 I0617 13:48:08.206272 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = 4.77686 I0617 13:48:08.206277 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = -5.86976 I0617 13:48:08.206282 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = 5.99296 I0617 13:48:08.206287 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = -1.1105 I0617 13:48:08.206292 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = 0.394778 I0617 13:48:08.206297 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = -0.198426 I0617 13:48:08.206301 5203 caffe.cpp:321] ip = -0.884502
发现比没有反向计算,因为不需要求loss,且输出是10个值,与网络结构对应 num_output: 10
对于自己的MNIST数据,使用 /home/junhui/caffe-master/build/examples/mnist/convert_mnist_data.bin
1 2
| convert_mnist_data.bin input_image_file input_label_file output_db_file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
set -e
EXAMPLE=examples/mnist DATA=data/mnist BUILD=build/examples/mnist
echo "Creating ${BACKEND}..."
rm -rf $EXAMPLE/mnist_train_${BACKEND} rm -rf $EXAMPLE/mnist_test_${BACKEND}
$BUILD/convert_mnist_data.bin $DATA/train-images-idx3-ubyte \ $DATA/train-labels-idx1-ubyte $EXAMPLE/mnist_train_${BACKEND} --backend=${BACKEND} $BUILD/convert_mnist_data.bin $DATA/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte \ $DATA/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte $EXAMPLE/mnist_test_${BACKEND} --backend=${BACKEND}
echo "Done."
命令对应的源文件在 examples/mnist/convert_mnist_data.cpp
,阅读发现其解析过程是根据 train-images-idx3-ubyte
- 如何从LMDB中读取每一条数据?
- 将不含标签的数据保存为LMDB?
- 写自己的